How Long to Get Through Customs from Canada to the US


Coming back to the United States after a trip to Canada usually means you’ll need to pass through customs. Depending on the time of day, border crossing location, and other factors, this process can take anywhere from 30 minutes to over 2 hours. This guide will walk you through what to expect when going through US customs after a visit to Canada.

Planning Ahead Makes Customs Faster

Proper preparation can significantly reduce your wait time in the customs line. Here are some tips:

  • Have Documents Ready – Have your passport, travel documents, and customs forms out and easily accessible so you’re not fumbling at the counter. Printed customs forms save time.
  • Know What to Declare – Be prepared to declare any purchases, food items, alcohol, tobacco, plants, currency over $10,000, etc. Declaring helps avoid penalties.
  • Avoid Peak Times – Crossing at off-peak times like early morning on weekdays can mean much shorter lines. Check the border crossing’s website for real-time wait updates.

What to Expect When Going Through Customs

The customs process entering the US generally involves the following steps:

Primary Inspection

This first interaction is with an officer at the booth checking your documentation. Have your passport, customs forms, and receipts for any purchases available.

  • The officer will ask about your citizenship, where you are coming from, purpose of your trip, and may ask additional questions. Answer honestly – dishonesty can lead to search and delays.
  • If you have nothing to declare, this generally goes quickly. With purchases, expect additional questions and potential searches.

Secondary Screening

If anything seems suspicious in primary inspection, you will be directed to secondary screening:

  • Your vehicle will be moved to a separate area for additional inspection.
  • Officers may search your bags, vehicle, and use other detection methods if needed.
  • There are no set time limits here. It depends on the findings. Expect potential wait times over 1 hour.
  • If no prohibited items found, you will eventually be released to enter the US.

Exit and Entry

After clearing primary inspection (and secondary if needed), you will:

  • Officially exit Canada by providing your information to a Canadian officer.
  • Enter the US with approval from a US Customs officer.
  • Proceed into the US!

Tips for Shortening Customs Wait Times

  • Install or use the Border Wait Times App for real-time updates at all US border crossings.
  • Have everyone fill out customs forms while waiting in line. Don’t wait until you reach the officer.
  • If possible, avoid crossing at end of holidays and weekends when traffic volumes are highest.
  • Split up declaration items between family members riding in separate vehicles. Multiple declaration forms spread across vehicles can speed things up.
  • Be patient and courteous with officers. Any attitude can prompt additional scrutiny.

With the right preparation and expectations, passing through US customs on your return from Canada does not need to be a drawn out hassle. A little planning and organization will get you safely back into the US smoothly.